
Installation of modern ultrasonic water meters at residence house Osamocená


We have successfully finished replacement of plumbing pipes and drain stack at residence house Osamocená, property entrusted to our company for many years (thanks to our client for agreement to post this piece of news).

And because when we do something, we always think about the best solutions for our clients, apart of replacement of plumbing pipes, we installed to the residence, in collaboration with a specialist in a field, new ultrasonic reading device measuring the water consumption.

The words to describe installed ultrasonic water meter can be without doubt smart, reliable and accurate. Some facts:

  • Precise measurements from the minimum water flow
  • The measurement does not depend on the position of device
  • Measured data are transmitted every 16 or 96 seconds
  • Memory that can accommodate 48-month-long and 460-day-space information thanks to the built-in calendar and high-capacity memory **
  • Saved data are accessible via the optical interface and send into web-based online data application * = data accessibility 24/7

And the results?

Full control over you water consumption easily, anytime and from anywhere! Full control over your water expense!

Because we believe that our clients deserve only the best things!   Amibso

* Web application Měřeníonline.cz, collecting the measured data.

** information on water meter Kamstrup Multical 21